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Dec 12 2010


Our Affiliate Program will allow you to earn an extra income by referring and recommending visitors to our site.

It's free to join and once registered with us you can select various marketing tools from your Control Panel.

Commission is applied 30 days after a product has been purchased and will be displayed within your Control Panel. We also allow you to have affiliates under you up-to 3 levels and you will earn on any sales they produce.

Commission is paid at the following Rates. Level 1 (you) 10%

Level 2 5%

Level 3 1%

So for instance on our Top Selling Product which happens to be the Tony Scott DVD retailing at £14.99 you would earn £1.49 on all your sales and £0.75 on all you affiliates at Level 2 and £0.15 on all your Level 3 affiliates.

The cookie period is 365 days so any referral you send who make purchases during this period will be credited to your account.

We also pay Lifetime Commission – what this means is that any customer that you introduce who makes a purchase at any time in the future, will earn you commission. Providing they use the same email address and login details.

Once you have £100.00 in your account you can request a payment from us. Payments are made via Paypal so you are required to open a free Paypal account for this purpose.

When you reach sales of £1000.00 we also pay you a bonus of £100.00

So as you can see considerable earnings can be achieved on products that are in the main exclusive to us and are what people want.

To join simply click Register Here

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